Something that I've realized over the past couple of weeks is that we are able to do so much good in the world if we forget about ourselves. Doing good in the world does not have to be neither should be something super big that requieres lots of money, tools, or even time. We are able to make such a big difference in the lives of those around us if we are willing to serve them, regardless of how small or insignificant our service may seem. Something that I've realized during my internship is the difference it makes in a person's day if I stop and talk with them instead of rushing to my next activity. I have learned to stop, talk, and listen. I have come to realize that they are worth my time. Everyone loves to be listened to and everyone needs to feel that someone genuinely cares about how they're doing. I can make a huge difference in the lives of others by simply taking the time to listen and talk. No money or resources required!

"What would it look like if each of us were our own well-stocked humanitarian organization? Instead of just giving out tangible goods in foreign locations, what if we had the richness of dispensing healing, friendship, respect, peaceful dialogue, sincere interest…and conversations with strangers? What if that was what your humanitarian organization did? This kind of humanitarian work can be done by anybody and it can be done at any time."
A key to life that I've discovered is the importance of being present. Our minds, attention, and interest must be where we are physically, especially when we are with people. How can we expect to touch the lives of others if we aren't focused or concerned with what people are telling us? How can we understand how people are feeling if we are to caught up in what we want to do. We must learn to put our own problems and worries aside in order to help others with theirs.

"To truly understand [young peoples’] hearts, we must do more than just be in the same room or attend the same family and Church activities. We must plan and take advantage of teaching moments that make a deep and lasting impression upon their minds and hearts."