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Feel so loved


The best thing about this whole experience have been the friends I have made. Because of them, I feel like I have changed and have found out more about myself. If it were not for the many friends I made during my trip, the internship itself would have been very hard. I am very greatful for my professor, Randy Page, who helped me hop on board at the last minute and get ready for the whole thing. Thanks to him, I was able to sign up late for the internship and complete all of the steps required by Ubelong and BYU.

I have made long lasting friends that i'll never forget. I was able to connect with many individuals and learned about who they are, who they want to become, what they want to accomplish, and even many of the struggles that they are facing in their lives. They helped me get through personal trials and helped to bring out the best in me. I learned that it was good to be myself (wild, funny, crazy). I could feel their love for me and gained confidence in myself and who I am.

Here we are at church! I need to be more grateful for the friends that god has given me. It is such a blessing to be at a university with so many kids who share my same values and have many of the same goals as I do.

Throughout the trip, I also learned to love. I tried to serve others and listen to them. I made a goal to treat everyone as if they were my family. I tried to see them as my brothers and sisters or other close family in order to understand them and love them. It is not easy to love everyone, but it is easy to love God who asks us to love all of his children. I also learned that it is more than ok to express ourselves and our feelings, even though people may get offended. We should strive not to offend others, but sometimes it is important to say how we feel. By doing this, we can overcome problems and help others understand our wants and needs.

I am very surprised by how close we got to eachother in such little time. We spent much time together and would go on weekend trips! We all came to know eachothers personalities, fears, goals, and values. It was super cool to feel like I was part of a family!

During my trip, I learned that we must choose to be with people who uplift us, who love us!I loved to feel supported and loved by others while away from my family. Friends can make all the difference in our lives and ultimately, the people who surround us determine the person we will be. Having people who love and care about you in your life are necessary for good mental health. Life brings many unseen challenges and struggles that can not be overcome alone. In order to get through these many struggles, we must have people who care about us and will help us with our problems. For that reason, we must also have the courage to talk with people about our feelings. Likewise, we should show others that we care about them so that they can feel that they can talk to us about the challenges. Always strive to be a good frined!



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