The thing I love most about the food here is how cheap it is! I can easily get a good size meal for 3 or 4 dollars. I wonder why that is! Food isn't the only cheap thing here though, the clothing, jewelry , travel, rent, and almost everything you can think of is so much cheaper! This makes it easy to go out and explore more because the travel is so cheap. It also does not make you feel bad when you eat out a lot because you are hardly spending anything! After a little bit of time though, one realizes that much money has been spent! Souvenirs will empty your pockets if you're not careful! Here are some pictures of the delicious and cheap food that can be found all around!

Here in Merida, a lot of ice cream and cold drinks can be found in the local markets and in the little shops on the side of the street. They make them themselves using by using cream or blended fruit. I love the ice cream here. It is very different and very creamy. I'm not sure if I think that because I do not eat enough ice cream at home or if that really is the case! Either way, it's delicious and cheap.

This is actually found in the center of town. Mexico is known for its ruins and beautiful antique architecture .