In Mexico, people live a lot differently than you may think. The culture, the costums, the behavior, and even the way in which people they think are all very different than in the United States. The culture is very different. The people are much more open and are a lot less reserved than the people in the United States. People are not as concerned with the way the look, and you can tell this by the way they dress. In America, a lot of people are concerned with how they look, the car they drive, and being popular or famous. In Mexico, people are more concerned about taking care of their families and having a comfortable life.

I really like how Mexicans are able to have fun while doing such simple activities. I feel like I expect a lot more than most Mexicans. When I think of fun, I think of going boating, playing lacrosse, going up to the mountains to ski, or going to a nice restaurant. People in Mexico are able to be happy with a lot less things. They love spending time with their friends or families, having a big lunch, playing soccer, walking around the streets at night to see street vendors, or going dancing. Notice how none of these activities requiere a asiginifcant amount of money. They are able to do these things without great planning and without invest tons of time. I think that we all need to enjoy more the simpler things of life and not wish that we were doing something extremely exotic or something that requieres lots of money and time.

Here is a typical dance of Mexico. Every single Monday night, dancers would come perform various typical dances of Mexico for an hour. You could go and watch for free! Mainly locals would come to watch, but also tourists. People in Mexico are able to find joy and fun in very simple, yet fun things!

Another free, yet fun activity in Mexico is going to the beach! If you ask 5 people in Mexico what their weekend plans are, you can expect at least 3 of them to tell you that they are going to the beach! It is free and is not very far! It's an awesome place to spend time with the family, and again, no money required! I think people in Mexico are a lot easier to please than in the United States. It does not take much for them to be content. This could be due to the great usage of social media in the United States, which makes many Americans believe that others who posts many pictures of themselves doing activities have a better life than them. It could also be because they have not been raised in a world filled with activities, clothing articles, and music that compete for their attention.